The Alan Cox Show

The Alan Cox Show

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A True Maverick

This week my featured guest is someone who gives me hope for Gen Z and for our future. His name is Maverick, and he’s a positive-minded, well-spoken, passionate individual. It’s been a little over a year since he DM’d me on Insta asking me to be a guest on his podcast. The show is conveniently called “Maverick Mondays” because if you have a badass name like, “Maverick” of course, you’re gonna make a brand of that shit. Besides the alliteration for the second half of the title, Maverick wanted to change the stigma of Mondays and make it your most productive day of the week instead of the most dreaded. Before you hear our episode, let me explain why I thought having a guest like Maverick on my show would be beneficial.

For starters, the kid is straight edge as they come. Not saying being straight edge is a bad thing, I’m just saying you won’t find a nicer, more respectful kid. We go over in the podcast why he doesn’t even like to swear… even though I desperately tried to get him to. He’s your typical 23-year-old, with a not so typical mindset. He’s from a big Jewish family, and he went to a rabbinical school to pursue his religious studies. It was after he came home that he found the idea to start a podcast. I was a guest on his seventh episode, and he said he only has guests that are either “successful” or “extremely open-minded.” I laughed because I couldn’t figure out which one he thought I was. The interview ended up being amazing and his podcast studio was totally sick. I thought it was only right that once #ThePoundtakePodcast kicked off, I’d have his success and open-mindedness on my show.

My favorite part of this episode is when Maverick tells me how he’s been dealing with quarantine while having a full house. He told me he did a google search on the habits of successful people. He sought after daily improvements to add to his routine, and he said that saved him from going into depression. He loves to stay active, although his heart is breaking due to not being able to snowboard. Maverick also participates in another podcast dedicated to wrestling called, “The Blood Time Podcast.” “Wrestling is in my blood,” says Maverick. He's a guy that likes to stay active and doesn’t let the troubles of life pin him down. That is the definition of a true maverick

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