Grammy Snubs
Every year around this time, the Grammy nominations come out. We see it on the news, social media, and even the stars themselves put out statements about their delight or dismay over whether they made it into a category. I haven’t done a pop culture Poundtake in a while, so I’m overdue. I scrolled through Twitter this weekend and watched some of my favorite celebrities either gleefully kiss ass, or bitch and moan. I can’t help but think this is one big publicity stunt. I’ll take it a step further; it’s one big coup in my opinion. Celebrities went from promoting Black Lives Matter, campaigning for Joe Biden, and even funding a Covid Vaccine; to writing Instagram posts about how their song is not recognized by the academy. I know it’s been a rough year for all of us, but come on, man! This is all a distraction and these are not the real issues right now. I’m going to explain to you why this is exactly what the recording academy wants and why I believe all the celebrities moping about it are in on it as well.
This year is a year unlike any other. I can’t think of one industry that hasn’t been affected by the pandemic. Nobody is going to movie theaters. Nobody is (supposed to be) going to the clubs, people don’t have money to buy music like they used to. Long before the pandemic, no one even really watched network television. People tune into network television for three things, sports, live news, and award shows. But of course, all three of those things became compromised due to Covid regulations as well. The entertainment industry is hurting right now. Shows and movies are not getting made, and if they are, they’re on a tighter budget. So who gives a flying f#%& about the Grammys?!
There was an article that was posted to several different sites saying how stars got snubbed. They post these articles every year. We know the academy is biased. We know that stars do not get their awards based on merit but their connections. This is not news. The fact that so many stars are coming out about how they were not nominated, only leads me to the conclusion that they’re in a coup with the academy. Big names such as The Weeknd, Justin Bieber, & Teyana Taylor, all used their platforms to tweet their anger towards the academy. They were tweeting out what they thought they “deserved.” These are rich people's problems and no normal person is going to feel bad for you because you didn’t receive a Grammy. By tweeting all of that out, they gave the broadcast much-needed press, which is why I think they snubbed them in the first place. If you care, The Grammy Awards premiere on January 31st, 2021 on CBS