GUNS N' ROSES singer Axl Rose is all fired up at with protesters who have flooded some of California's cities to demonstrate against Governor Gavin Newsom's order closing Orange County beaches to help slow the spread of the coronavirus.
On Thursday, Newsom called for the beaches to be closed, saying that it's too soon to lift the state's stay-at-home order. So naturally an estimated 3,000 people gathered near the Huntington Beach pier on Friday to voice their dissatisfaction, with most of those people neglecting to wear protective masks.
That was clearly the last straw, because on Saturday Axl Rose tweeted: "Question: If the Sheriffs can choose not to enforce the beach closures can the hospitals 'choose' not to admit any possible Covid-19 suspected beach goers? Just askin'..."
There were 145 new coronavirus cases and one new death in Orange County, bringing the county's total to just shy of 2,400 confirmed cases and 45 deaths.
Take THAT one to heart, why don'tcha?