These truly are confusing times. In the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, could this guy really be the voice of reason?
Kiss bassist/co-frontman Gene Simmons is asking everyone to knock off complaints about having to stay indoors during the coronavirus outbreak. To TMZ, Simmons says,
"What's the burden? The burden ain't much of anything. We should all shut up and get over ourselves, and that includes yours truly.
"Look, not too long ago, our grandparents were asked to go fight a war overseas — a war they had nothing to do with — and 50 million deaths resulted in World War II, and your grandparents gave, many times, the ultimate sacrifice," he continued.
"There are people who are risking their lives to bring food to you at home. If your house catches fire, the fire department will risk their lives. If somebody breaks into your home, the cops are gonna be there and risk their lives. The health care professionals…
What are we complaining about? You get to stay at home and do nothing while people are risking their lives to make your life more comfortable.
"This will get better — I promise you. I'm betting on our scientists. And yes, even the politicians in Washington, D.C. It's all gonna work out.
"Just take it easy. Respect your neighbor. The golden rule still works — love thy neighbor as thyself. You don't wanna get somebody else sick and perhaps die, and you sure don't wanna get sick and perhaps die. And, of course, the well-meaning religious people who hold religious stuff, it's, like, you're not listening to the same God I am. God is saying, 'Stay home. Don't go to church.'"
Millions of Americans are facing stay-at-home orders as the coronavirus continues to tear its way through the U.S.