Well, my inner nine-year old is currently freaking out.
It's not always Rock and Roll all the time around my household.
My name is Corey and I'm a HUGE geek for toys, collectibles and nostalgic stuff.
I know I can't be alone in wondering if my old Ghostbusters toys were melted down and recycled as this keyboard I'm typing on, or a piece of molding in my car. Did you parents throw your stuff out too when you moved away? Or, worse yet, did your spouse make you ditch all your fun stuff in favor of adulthood? (Not that I'd know anything about that, or anything...)
Well, phooey on all that!
Thanks to the hype surrounding the upcoming Ghostbusters:Afterlife movie (which looks KILLER, by the way), Hasbro is reaching back in time to reissue the original action figures for The Real Ghostbusters, exactly the way we remember them from the 1980's. Same packaging and everything.
Here, take my money.
Check THESE things out?
It's a good thing I'm already single, or else I would be anyhow when these things are released later this year.
Check 'em out HERE
Which ones did you have? Are you replacing them?