Photo: Tatyana Consaul / iStock / Getty Images
Nearly two years after he was stolen from behind her North Hollywood home, Yasmine Haezart was recently reunited with her French Bulldog, Havoc. He had slipped through an opening in her cul-de-sac that leads to a busy road where he was picked up by a passing driver. Haezart desperately searched for her missing pup, posting every day on social media, putting up flyers, and even hiring cadaver dogs to track his scent, refusing to give up hope.
Havoc was ultimately found in Apple Valley, about 100 miles away, after he escaped his captors. Good Samaritans who found him posted his photo online and took him to the Apple Valley Animal Shelter, where staff confirmed his identity through his microchip. Haezart credits the power of community for keeping his story alive and making sure he was safely returned home.
During her search, she ended up adopting two other French bulldogs and reunited five missing or stolen Frenchies with their owners. Havoc’s story highlights the importance of microchipping pets, especially popular breeds like French bulldogs, to help prevent theft. Now finally back where he belongs, Havoc is surrounded by his loving owner and two new furry siblings.
Source: KTLA