2018 was the 50th year for WMMS! We're showcasing all the memories that WMMS has made over the years starting back from 1968! Stay tuned for monthly updates with new pictures, videos, show segments from the past and more! See how the Buzzard and WMMS has changed over time and enjoy your trip down memory lane in the WMMS vault!
This month’s featured talent is: Spaceman Scott
Spaceman Scott joined WMMS in the mid-'80s, initially as a member of the expanded Buzzard Morning Zoo with Jeff and Flash. After being away from the station in the early '90s, he returned as a member of the Buzzard Next Generation staff, performing a variety of duties for the remainder of the decade, both on-air and behind the scenes in programming. A colorfully unique air personality, Spaceman could often be found in the air studio, cranking up the volume to earth-rumbling levels, especially if it was an Aerosmith tune. He also really liked using the "F" word.
Spaceman Scott and Len Boom Goldberg
Spaceman Scott with Peter Wolf - October, 1998
Hughes, Spaceman Scott - 1995 Dexter Holland - The Offspring
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The Buzzard – 1997
Buzzard 1997 - World Class Rock - Brian Chalmers art
WMMS welcomes Rover - 2008
Photo by Brian Chalmers
Photo by Brian Chalmers
Motley Crue
Those bad boys of rock and roll, Motley Crue, rolled into Metro Sync Studios in 2000 to play a brief electric set for the WMMS Coffee Break Concert. It was truly something to see the members of the band jammed into a small room, headphones on, preparing to play what would be a hot and sweaty set for the contest winners that were in attendance. Promoting New Tattoo, their latest album at the time, they mixed songs from that record with Motley classics like "Wild Side," with Hole drummer Samantha Maloney pounding away on the skins in place of longtime Crue stickman Tommy Lee who was out of the band lineup for a brief moment at that time. Maloney's work behind the kit brought a new energy to the group, who delivered a killer performance that day that was a once in a lifetime experience for Motley Crue fans to witness in such an intimate space.
Motley Crue at Metro Sync Studios with Staff - September 1, 2000
Brian and Joe rake leaves for charity with Indians Pitcher Brian Anderson
Jeff and Flash broadcast from NYC for Rock Hall Induction - January, 1990
Read more about WMMS history in:
Radio Daze: Stories from the Front in Cleveland’s FM Air Wars by Mike Olszewski (Kent State University Press)
Cleveland Radio Tales by Mike & Janice Olszewski (Gray & Co., Publishers)