
Date Night

It feels like ages since I’ve been out of the house to “socialize.” I know people have a lot of mixed feelings about doing that right now, but I can assure you I was responsible. Besides, it has been a LONG five months. I hadn’t stepped out with a male counterpart since mid-February. Even then, I think I took going out for granted because I’m pretty sure we ordered pizza and had a hot tub nightcap. I’m going to pull a Jada Pinkett-Smith line here and say, “It has been a while since I felt good. I just wanted to feel good again.” And it did feel really good to get out and test the hopefully non-covid polluted waters again. This PoundTake is not going to spill the tea on every detail of my first date post-apocalypse, but it will tell you that it is okay to want to feel connected to another human being outside of your house and your immediate circle.

It’s 6:53 pm and I get that “see you soon” text. It’s been so foreign to me these past few months. I’m legit nervous. I had only been on Tinder a day and a bitch already has a taco date (by the type of food we’re having you can tell neither of us is trying to have sex tonight). Mask around my face, I walk up to the door of the restaurant to find this cute guy in a Mickey Mouse shirt looking at me. We greet and nod at each other and then head inside. There was no avoiding the elephant in the room that had everyone out on the patio separated; we instantly talked about covid and how long it had been since we both had been out. As much of a homebody as I am, I had to say, dammit, I miss the company of a boy. I miss the dirty jokes, the cuddles, and the copping a feel at the most inappropriate time. Tonight was just a reminder or even just a tease of what life could be like once again.

This pandemic has hit everyone hard in different ways, psychically, mentally, and financially. It’s not uncommon for someone to want to regain some sense of normalcy that was taken away. It doesn’t make you a selfish person to want a companion at probably one of the worst times in history. It’s human nature to crave attention and to attract a mate. My date and I made sure to wear a mask when not eating, social distance, and be patient with our server. I think we both were just happy to be out of the house. For the hour or so that we engaged in conversation, it put into perspective that if we don’t act responsibly everything will close down again. That means no more date nights for Poundcake and that would make me sad because I thoroughly enjoyed it. The rona has made me soft and I’m actually listening to what’s coming out of my date’s mouth instead of what I wanna put in it. Keep hope alive, folks!

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